Welcome to the Nordic Congress of Wildlife Research 2022
“Bringing wildlife ecology, health and management together”

Due to the pandemic the congress is postponed to September 19-23, 2022.


Corona situation

We plan to have the congress in-real-life.
If the corona pandemic forces us to cancel the congress,
we will pay back 100 % of the registration fees (including costs for congress dinner and excursion).

The Nordic Board for Wildlife Research and the Nordic Section of Wildlife Disease Association are pleased to announce the 17th Nordic Congress of Wildlife Research, which will take place on September 19-23, 2022 in Uppsala, Sweden. The congress will be hosted in cooperation with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management and the National Veterinary Institute.

The aim of the Nordic Congress of Wildlife Research is to bring together all those active in wildlife research and management to meet and discuss challenging issues in wildlife ecology and management in a broad sense. This includes natural and social scientists, wildlife and land managers, political decision-makers and anyone else working with related questions, e.g., at non-governmental, governmental and intergovernmental organisations.

The Nordic Congress of Wildlife Research adopts a broad concept of wildlife management, including policies and actions with the purpose of conservation, sustainable use, or control of wildlife and its habitats, in order to safeguard sustainable relationships between wildlife and other human interests. The Congress welcomes theoretical, empirical, and practical presentations from all areas of wildlife science, including social sciences and human dimensions of wildlife, with the primary task of creating the scientific basis for the enhancement of wildlife management and conservation practices. Despite the emphasis on Nordic contexts, the Congress invites contributions from around the world to get a broader international perspective. The Congress highlights the need to bring different disciplines together, for example to handle wildlife diseases, to mitigate conflicts and to successfully implement new knowledge into management and policy.


Themes and keynote speakers:

  • Past experiences and future challenges in wildlife management (related to the 50-year anniversary for the Nordic Board for Wildlife Research in 2021)
  • The need to bring wildlife ecology and wildlife veterinary sciences together to handle wildlife diseases
  • Combining ecology and social sciences to mitigate conflicts between humans about wildlife and management
  • Wildlife disease – cross boundary – climate change


Keynote speakers

  • Kjell Danell (Department of of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental Studies, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences). Theme: Past experiences and future challenges
  • Atle Mysterud (Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis, University of Oslo). Theme: Chronic wasting disease
  • Ilse Storch (Wildlife Ecology and Management, University of Freiburg). Theme: Past experiences and future challenges
  • Erika Chenais (Swedish National Veterinary Institute). Theme: African swine fever
  • Jørn Våge (Norwegian Veterinary Institute). Theme: Chronic wasting disease
  • Juliette Young (INRAE, France). Theme: Social scientific perspectives on the management of conflicts between humans about wildlife and management


Planned workshops

  • Wild boar ecology, management, crop damage, preventive measures and experience from other countries in Europe
  • Wildlife disease workshop: Globally, growing anthropogenic pressures and changing wildlife populations create increasing wildlife–livestock–human interfaces
  • Transdisciplinary research in wildlife management
  • The use of camera traps in wildlife research

List of participants


Academic Conferences
Universities in cooperation Karolinska Institutet, SLU and Uppsala University
Phone: +46 18 67 20 59 or +18-671003
E-mail: nkv2022@akademikonferens.se

Important dates

Call for Abstracts: September 15, 2021
Abstract submission deadline: May 15, 2022
Notification to authors: July 8, 2022
Presenter registration deadline: August 19, 2022
Early bird registration deadline: August 19, 2022

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